Translating Copyright Documentation: Spanish, French, English Translations... more than 75 languages translated. Freelance translators serving individuals, business, law firms, NGOs & the public sector — Toll Free: 1-888-722-3515 → FREE QUOTE |
We translate all types of legal document, including: Affidavits; Depositions; Witness Statements; Resolutions; Statutes; Executive Orders; Rules; Complaints; Answers; Motions; Orders; Briefs; Litigation Documents; Jury Instructions; Judicial Opinions; Consumer-Finance Contracts; Insurance Contracts; Agreements related to construction, goods, services and employment; Tenders; Investment Contracts; Real Estate Documents; Estate Planning Documents; Articles of Incorporation; Copyright Registrations; Trademark Applications; Patent Documents; Certificates of Accuracy; Clarity Awards; among others. |
Bi-Directional Document Translation
Service for virtually any language pair used in legal documents.
In addition to providing legal document translation
services from any language into the English, French or Spanish languages, we can also
assist you with the translation of English language legal material into the world's most popular
languages: English to Chinese; English to Arabic; English to German; English to Japanese; English to Portuguese; English to Russian; English to Korean; English to Italian; English to Hindi; to name but the most
popular among the more than 75 languages that we can handle
| |
We translate all manner of texts and documents within the field of contract law. We assist organizations with legal documentation that requires accurate translation, such as, but not limited to: Contracts of sale; Contractual clauses; Indenture(s); Memorandums of understanding; Short form contracts; Standard form contracts; Lump Sum Contracts; Unit Price Contracts; Cost Plus Contracts; Incentive Contracts; Percentage of Construction Fee Contracts; Unit rate contracts; Financing contracts; Project management contracts; Contract terms & conditions; Contracts under seal; Tenancy Agreements; Lease Agreements; and, Option contracts among others.
- ENGLISH: COPYRIGHT - Copyright is a set of exclusive rights granted to the author or creator of an original work, including the right to copy, distribute and adapt the work. Copyright does not protect ideas, only their expression. In most jurisdictions copyright arises upon fixation and does not need to be registered. Copyright owners have the exclusive statutory right to exercise control over copying and other exploitation of the works for a specific period of time, after which the work is said to enter the public domain. Uses covered under limitations and exceptions to copyright, such as fair use, do not require permission from the copyright owner. All other uses require permission and copyright owners can license or permanently transfer or assign their exclusive rights to others.
Initially copyright law only applied to the copying of books. Over time other uses such as translations and derivative works were made subject to copyright and copyright now covers a wide range of works, including maps, sheet music, dramatic works, paintings, photographs, sound recordings, motion pictures and computer programs.
- FRENCH (FRANÇAIS) - COPYRIGHT OU DROIT D'AUTEUR: Le copyright, souvent indiqué par le symbole ©, est, dans les pays de common law, l’ensemble des prérogatives exclusives dont dispose une personne physique ou morale sur une œuvre de l’esprit originale. Il désigne donc un ensemble de lois en application, notamment, dans les pays du Commonwealth des Nations et aux États-Unis ; et qui diffère du droit d'auteur appliqué dans les pays de droit civil (tels que la France ou la Belgique).
Bien que les deux corpus de lois tendent à se rejoindre sur la forme grâce à l'harmonisation internationale opérée par la convention de Berne, ils différent notablement sur le fond1. Le copyright relève plus d’une logique économique et accorde un droit moral restreint, là où le droit d'auteur assure un droit moral fort en s'appuyant sur le lien entre l'auteur et son œuvre.
Le droit d’auteur est l’ensemble des prérogatives exclusives dont dispose un auteur sur ses œuvres de l’esprit originales.
Il se divise en deux branches : le droit moral, qui reconnaît à l’auteur la paternité de l’œuvre et assure le respect de l’intégrité de l’œuvre ; les droits patrimoniaux, qui confèrent un monopole d’exploitation économique sur l'œuvre, pour une durée variable au terme de laquelle l'œuvre entre dans le domaine public.
En tant que branche du droit, le droit d’auteur est l’un des éléments essentiels de la propriété intellectuelle et de la propriété littéraire et artistique, qui comprend également les droits voisins.
- SPANISH (ESPAÑOL) - DERECHO DE AUTOR: El derecho de autor (del francés droit d'auteur[cita requerida]) es un conjunto de normas y principios que regulan los derechos morales y patrimoniales que la ley concede a los autores (los derechos de autor), por el solo hecho de la creación de una obra literaria, artística, científica o didáctica, esté publicada o inédita.
En el derecho anglosajón se utiliza la noción de copyright (traducido literalmente como "derecho de copia") que -por lo general- comprende la parte patrimonial de los derechos de autor (derechos patrimoniales).
Una obra pasa al dominio público cuando los derechos patrimoniales han expirado. Esto sucede habitualmente trascurrido un plazo desde la muerte del autor (post mortem auctoris). Por ejemplo, en el derecho europeo, 70 años desde la muerte del autor. Dicha obra entonces puede ser utilizada en forma libre, respetando los derechos morales.
Legal Translation Expertise in ALL Areas of Law Practice
Freelance translators available for all legal specialties, including:
Administrative Law;
Antitrust law;
Arbitration & Mediation;
Asbestos law;
Banking Law;
Bankruptcy Law;
Case Law;
Civil Law;
Civil Procedure;
Commercial Law;
Communication law;
Company Law;
Competition Law;
Constitutional Law;
Construction Law;
Contract Law;
Copyright Law;
Corporation Law;
Criminal Law;
Entertainment Law;
Environmental Law;
Family Law;
Industrial Law;
Insurance Law;
Intellectual Property;
Internet Law;
Labor Law;
Property Law;
Protocols & Patents;
Sales & Acquisitions;
Structured Settlements;
Tax Law;
Tort Law; and,
Workers Compensation.
Our proofreading service consists of reviewing any text for errors – hard copy (written documentation) or electronic (e.g. websites, MSWord files, PowerPoint files).The types of errors we look for include: missing words; typos; spelling mistakes; formatting errors; missing or bad punctuation; etc.
The proofreading service is combined with light copy-editing: checking for grammar; improper language usage; run-on sentences; consistency issues; etc. Our objective is to improve the formatting, style and accuracy of your written material without changing the content. |
Website Translation and Localization Services for law practices: We have substantial expertise in the translation of website content. However, our website translation service goes well beyond the translated word. We approach website translation assignments with localization considerations in mind: cultural adaptation (appropriateness); target audience(s); search engine optimization (SEO).
Our objective is to ensure that your translated website is effective in reaching its intended audience, delivers your business message strongly and
succinctly, projecting a credible professional image while protecting your reputation. |