As the capital of Alaska, the primary employer in Juneau, by a large margin, is government. This includes the federal government, state government, municipal government (which does include the local airport, the local hospital, harbors, and the school district), and the University of Alaska Southeast. State government offices and their indirect economic impact compose approximately one-quarter of Juneau's economy.
Real estate agencies, federally-funded highway construction, and mining remain active local industries. Local mines include Greens Creek, owned by Hecla Mining Company and (soon) the Kensington Gold Mine, owned by Couer Alaska. Another large contibutor to the local economy, at least on a part-time basis, is the tourism industry. In 2005, the cruise ship industry was estimated to bring nearly one million visitors to Juneau. Juneau Info Source
Our technical translation services encompass the whole transportation spectrum, namely the movement of people and goods from one location to another. We can source freelance translation resources for all modes of transport, such as air, rail, road, water, cable, pipeline and space.
The service sector clients we assist operate in three fields: the public sector (government at the federal, state and local levels); the private sector (banking, insurance, retailing, hospitality, etc.); and non-governmental organizations (NGOs), aka non-profit sector.
Of course, service sector organizations can be identified in other areas that we provide services to. Some examples that spring to mind would include: healthcare clients encompassing hospitals, nursing unions and professional membership organizations (medical societies); pharmacology non-profit organizations representing pharmacists and trade lobbying groups advocating for the pharmaceutical manufacturing sector; statistical societies representing university professors and government bodies employing statisticians. We are well versed in the handling of overlapping jurisdictions and identifying the particular technical requirements of multi-sector and multi-audience assignments. |